Saturday, 31 December 2011

end of one year, start of another

So its the end of 2011. Anyone else felt like it's flown in? Before I start this is gonna be one of those blogs that you can't sum up if you get my drift. Basiclly, I started writing this blog in the hope that it would help my stammer. I did aim to write one a week, but that kinda went down the hole a bit. So I've updated every so often, telling you lovely people how I've been doing, how the stammers treating me blah de blah de blah.
So basiclly, 31st December, I was on my way back from France. (Wasn't exactly the best hogmonay I can tell you) I had a stammer, pretty bad. Wasn't as confident as what I am now. This blog, the fact that people have listened to my rants and useless information has been great. After I finished school, I felt diffrent. It was like, the daft wee boy had gone. Yeah, theres times I still act like a wee boy (I mean if Mr Men's on I'll watch it :P) I was begining to notice a diffrence in the way that (most) folk treated me. Then I noticed the biggest diffrence of all when I started college, I wasn't stammering as much. Yeah I still do stammer from time to time, but not as much. One of the folk in my class said that folk notice when I stammer, but no one's really fussed about it. If I stammer, I stammer, no one's gonna rush me and interupt me. Thats the great thing. No one does interupt me now. Ok there's been times when someone's phoned, not given me the time to speak and I've went mental at them. (hung up and didn't phone back after that) But everythings going good now. I'm in college, passing it so far. I'm more confindent, I've got an amazing girlfriend, who I love more than anything :) n life's just life. As one of my lecturers said, I went through a process of going inwards, and not talking as much, which helped lead to my stammer. And now, I'm coming out my shell, showing people who I actually am.  And this is helping me stammer less.
So thanks to those of you who follow this, thanks to my family and friends, thanks to emma and her family (who have put up with seeing me a hell of a lot :p) and just everyone who's helped me come out my shell. It really means a lot. :)
So all I can really say now is that you have a happy safe and brilliant 2012, and if the world does end, well I'll see you all in hell anyway cos thats where I'm going :P