Saturday, 15 January 2011

alright :P

Well hello again those of you who choose to follow/have a look. How you all been doing, alright?
This week has been...very intresting I must admit. Lets just say, I've been stammering like hell, but I dont actually care. Monday morning, I had a free period. So me n my mate were sitting in one of the RE classes, and talking to the teacher (while doing work of course.) We were sitting talking, and I was stammering like hell. The great thing is, the teacher, who I dont know that well tbh, gave me all the time in the world. She didn't but in, or try and finish my sentences off for me. She just happilly sat there, giving me the time I needed, waiting for me to say what I had to say. Honestly, that's one of the best things ever for someone who stammers. I went to my next class honestly feeling good.
Monday night, my mums phone goes, but she was on the house phone. I answered it for her, cos I knew who it was n most probably what it would be about. (Got to tell you, talking on the phone is something I don't do voluntarly that often. Since I started stammering, it's been the bain of my life) I answered it, spoke to the person, and honestly, its a wonder I dont use the phone that often. I stammered at every word, it was unebelievable. But I suppose I'm feeling a bit more confident now. I prooved to myself that I can talk on the phone, and yeah it will take a bit of work, but I honestly can do it.
Talking about phones, I remember I was at a summer thing at Strathclyde uni a few years ago. We had to do this challange, and one of us had to talk on the phone. I (for some strange reason I must admit, I must of been on something at this point) happily put my hand up and said I'd do it. To this day, I don't know what possesed me to do this. Anyway, about ten minutes later, the phone goes and I go outside n start talking to the person on the other end. One of the mentors came out with me, and all I remember was every two seconds, this guy was doing breathing motions, telling me to stay calm. And the best thing is, the whole time I was talking on the phone, I did not stammer once. It was pretty amazing. (Sorry had to mention that.)
Anyway, Thursday night, the cinema was calling, and the Kings Speech was the film it called me to see. Honestly, the film is so good. I won't say too much, as I know there are people who want to see it, but I know that I learned some stuff from it.  However, no speech therapist I've met, has encouraged me to swear as a way to combat my stammer. (But i've noticed that if I have had to swear, I do not stammer at all.) Mabye thats saying something. If I stammer in front of teachers, just swear, it may work. I've got a valid excuse, Geforry Rush says it works :P
Anywho thats my blog for this week. Know its a bit random, but hope you enjoy it. :)

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