Sunday, 6 March 2011

never give up

Right, this may sound like a sad blog (not literally sad, but you know what I mean)
Right, I've had a dream of doing music since I was tiny. I've been singing as long as I can remember, I've been playing instruments, and anything musical, I'm willing to give a try. When I was six, I started on recorder, then moved onto clarinet when I was 11. Im now grade 6 going on grade 7 on the clariet, I've got my higher music, managed a bit of keyboard, and honestly love music to bits. I'm involved in a few bands and sing in the choir in my local church. Best part is, I've now got a college place to do music. Starting the end of August. Has my stammer held me back? Not one bit. Actually, it's helped me. If I'm honest, its made me even more determined to get to where I want to be. There have been a few teachers (surprise surprise) who have put obstacles in my way, and tried to stop me getting to where I want to be, but they've not stopped me.  So now, I'm going to college to do music, I aim to go to uni after it, then become a music therapist. So yeah, life seems to be good the now. There have been times where my stammers really pissed me off. But I've just picked myself up and kept myself going. Thanks mainly to my family and friends and my amazing girlfriend for supporting me to get where I want to be.
So yeah, if you have a dream, and you stammer, don't give up. Seriously, take any route possible to get to where you want to be.  No matter how long it takes. A wise person said to me a few months ago (she knows who she is cause I used this quote on her the other day) here it is:
"you can get to wherever you want to be. It might just take a little bit longer."
Thats a wise piece of advice, so just as I was given it by someone who who meant a lot to me then, and means a lot more to me, I'm giving this advice to you, (even if you dont stammer, take that advice, feel free.)  It doesnt matter how long it takes you, as long as you get there in the end. :)
So thats it for this week. Cya :)