Thursday, 21 July 2011


aint said much in a while. I know, I've not had a good enough excuse since the end of May. Things are looking good tbh. I've been stammering, which in my opinion has been a good thing. Guess it gives me a chance to work on my speech. The other day i was going to a club I volunteer at. On the train, the conductor comes up just before I get off. Ding ding ding...pressure (normally is for me tbh) So I asked for a return n told him where I was going from/to etc. But I couldnt say the stop I was getting off at. The guy was patient, didnt hurry me along or anything (must be one of the few conductors who actually like me) :p. Anyway, I finally managed to say where I was going and after it, I knew I had worked. I dont know what it was, I just felt like I had put more work into it. Mabye just my imagination.
The phone situation...I managed to talk on the phone to someone I dont know last night. A few weeks ago, I had hassle coming back up from Newcastle on the train. So I put in a complaint and they phoned me to ask a couple of questions. I did stammer when on the phone, but the best part was, I was stopping, calming down and starting back up again, a little slower.  Something I should try more on the phone, especially with folk I dont know.
Anyway, thats me for just now. Promise I'll blog a bit more often now.

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