Friday, 6 May 2011


Right, Im thinking of doing a couple of blogs tonight. Theres a glass of beer sitting next to me and I intend on drinking it :P
Anyway, weird sorta title for a blog. But, a few weeks ago, I was in my lesson at school. The teacher gave me advice on how to improve my breathing when Im playing. So, the next few days, I really worked on my breathing. I focused on it when I was playing, when I was singing, and most likely when I was talking (which I didnt really notice)
So, by the next week, I had noticed something diffrent. Something diffrent about the way I was talking. Yeah, my stammer was still there, but it wasnt as prominent. I WAS stammering, but it was LESS. Pretty cool hey. I was pretty pleased. When I told my teacher, he was impressed as well :) If theres a little diffrence in one week, imagine the diffrence there would be over a period of time after constantly working on my breathing.
I've always wanted to combat my stammer. To control it, and hopefully reach a stage where my stammer isnt noticable. Never no, mabye that will happen :)

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