Friday, 6 May 2011

where from here

Right I promised you a second blog since I aint done one in ages. Theres still that glass of beer sitting here by my side :) mmmmmmmmmmmm :P
Anyway, next week's my last day of school...EVER! Kinda scarey, thats 13 years of my life, 13 years of making and losing (but mainly making and keeping) friends. A period, where my speech started off well, but went downhill after a time, but gradully sorted itself out.
So, after the summer I'm going to college (woo). Im gonna meet new folk, hopefully as great as the folk I know just now. But I have to admit, I'm worried a little. I know I dont need to be, but I still am. Worried that my stammer would go back downhill again. I've got all the advice, yeah, and I know how to use all the tips. I guess it'll just be a case of waiting and seeing.
Sorry this has been a bit of an emotional blog. Gotta admit, I will miss everyone. So all the friends that I've made over the past 13 years, thanks for deciding to become friends with a headcase like me :D Thanks for not judging me because of my stammer. Thanks for listening to what I want to say. For giving me the time that I need to say what I want to say. To say my piece. Honestly gonna miss all of you. In all honesty, I hope we all keep in touch. It would be great to talk to you. And you've all been a part of my crazy journey so far, and I'd kinda like you to remain part of it :)

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog, are starting out on a whole new chapter of your life...yep...being a wee bit nervous is natural...but it is so exciting too! You are very wise wanting to keep old friendships going whilst being open to new ones too. I'm sure you will do very come across as a very nice, friendly young man and you have a great family to support you in your new endeavours :-)
